Will You Be Mine?

Dearest Self,

I have a secret I want to share with you. I have to warn you though, it's going to take much of what you think you know as true and turn it upside down. But, if I can promise you that it is - without a doubt - the sure way to fall in love, will you listen?

To start, I want you to know that it's not your fault. Ever since you were little, you have been told about love, but never taught about love. Parents said I love you, but also yelled at you. Magazines showed you love is only perfection. And movies made love into an act.

So off you went out into the world, confused, but, wanting this love thing. Over the years, you even thought you found love, only to have it abandon you, which confused you more, each time thickening the wall around your heart. The thicker the wall became, the more pain accumulated and the more love felt like it had to be captured, fought for, and was always just out of reach. To cope, you decided you must change to find love. You dressed up to hide who you really are - because you were loveless. You modified yourself to be better than you are - because you were unlovable. You numbed yourself with drugs, like alcohol and sugar, so you didn't have to feel your disappointment - because failure was painful. Further and further away from love you went.

All along love was shouting for you though, louder and louder. But you wouldn't stop. And eventually love had to get your attention. Queue pain. Some of the deepest love you will ever feel will come through the deepest pain - birth, loss, illness, trauma, destruction, disconnection. Pain is the voice of the unacknowledged heart. It is the unapologetic force that rips down walls and strips away all non-essentials, falsehoods, and untruths, bringing forth resurrection.

Once your walls are down, your heart becomes more raw, vulnerable, and open. You reconnect because you are desperate to believe. And this receptivity allows love to infuse into your being in ways you never could have imagined. You are invited to discover what love truly is - ever present, unbound, reflective, forgiving, faithful, flawed, pure, honest, healing, allowing, undeniable, powerful, beautiful, courageous, and so much more that cannot be put into words, only felt and known by those who dare to leap into love's arms.

Your heart wants you to know that your belief in love is the measure of your ability to receive great love. So if you don't believe in love, even if it walks up to you and looks you in the eyes, you will not be able to see it. Did you hear me? Even if love walks right up to you and looks you in the eyes, you will not be able to recognize it. Love couldn't find you all those years!

So, here's the secret. For love to find you, expand your belief of love within. Fall in love with yourself. You've heard this before. And it infuriates you, doesn't it? Because you don't want to have to wait any longer and it feels like effort, but let me explain. It's pretty simple and quite liberating actually! The universe works off of vibration. If you resonate with not being enough or not deserving enough for love, love won't be able to find you.

Start right now. Begin setting your highest love vibration this moment. Dream up your most delicious feelings and romantic ideas around love. Write them down, vision board them, plant a garden around them, shout them from your rooftop! Get really clear. Commit to yourself that you will not accept anything less. Practice your love vibe in all your relationships, especially with yourself. And when the universe brings you something less to test you, say hell no! Each time you pass a test, you are raising your vibration from where you are to where you want to be. Until you become a Master of Self Love.

Raising your vibration starts at home. Take a personal vibe inventory. How satisfied are you with your home space? Your career? Your finances? Your body? Your wardrobe? Your relationships? Your attitude? Your self talk? Instead of focusing on the love that you want that is not here, focus on YOU! Infuse everything you do and everything you are with that same highest vibration that you are wanting to bring in. LOVE your LIFE. LOVE your SELF. Bring all of your love ideals to yourself. What kind of person do you need to be to attract this love of a lifetime? The more you love yourself, the more someone else will too. Self love is infectious! Self love is contagious! Self love is magnetic!

If you live your life through love instead of for love, love will surround you. Love will be with you in every moment, supporting you. Focus on the life you want to live. Take steps towards making your dreams reality instead of waiting for someone else to. Love will find you somewhere along the way, I promise. Remember, love will most likely come in an unexpected form or in an unexpected way. So don't limit yourself with rigid expectations - they will blur your love vision. Look for how something or someone makes you feel, not solely how it measures up on paper. Focus on being happy and feeling good. And if you're not happy, figure out what you need to be happy. A lot of the time, happiness is freedom - feeling free to be who you are and feeling free to live the life you want to live. Happiness, freedom, and love are all your birthright. Claim total responsibility for your own beingness. And boom! Love will be yours. Will you be mine?

Forever & Always,

Your Soul