Three Things That Changed My Life In 2016

2016 was a breakthrough year for me! Since my divorce in 2013, I embarked upon a major life overhaul. As those of you who have gone through a major life change, illness, death of a loved one, or divorce know, you get to the core of who you are, you question what you believe, and you decide how you are going to step forward. It's definitely a process that requires hard work, faith, and trust. There were long periods of time where I felt like I was walking down a dark tunnel and could not see the light. But I kept planting seeds. I kept cultivating awareness. And I kept being courageous.

This year, my seeds began to sprout and life feels awesome. Not perfect awesome, like I finally got it right. Perfectly me awesome, like real and raw. It's the year where I really learned about nourishment - deep soul level nourishment - what that means, how to do it, and the magic it creates. And since I know a lot of you are also working towards breakthroughs, I want to share 3 things that really helped to change my life in 2016.

#1 Today is the day!

Today, right now. Not tomorrow. Not the next day. You've got to commit to yourself today. I'm sure you know what you don't want, but what do you want? And how are you going to make it happen? I am a lifelong student of manifestation and the law of attraction. I find it fascinating how we create and what impacts our creations. There is such complexity, and yet such simplicity. And as you practice manifestation and attraction, you connect your mind with your heart - a relationship that is invaluable. After many years of thinking about creating a product, I did it this year. I took myself seriously enough to pursue it, believe in it, and make it happen. Soul Power was born as my life, my career, my purpose, and my heart unified.

Books can be very effective at bridging the mind - heart gap. Some of my favorite books from this year are Ask & It Is Given by Abraham Hicks, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, Life-Changing Foods by Anthony William, Mirror Work by Louise Hay, and A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson.

Advice: The whole of who you are, what you believe, and how you feel is contained in one single day; in things like your home, the way you dress, what you do and how you do it, what you say and how you say it, in your friends and family, and most importantly in how you feel. So if you aren't loving your life, odds are you aren't thinking loving thoughts or making loving decisions. By making subtle changes in any of the details of who you are, you build momentum towards a collective shift in consciousness and attraction.

#2 Kundalini Yoga

I have been doing yoga and meditation since 1999. And this year, after all those years of practice, I tried something new - Kundalini yoga - and it completely rocked my world. People tend to find Kundalini yoga 'weird' or 'cultist', probably because it's different. Compared to other styles of yoga, there is a lot of chanting, mudras, and repetitive motions. I'll just say I have never experienced anything so powerful. And not in an outward way. I'm talking internally. My ability to influence my own state of being has completely changed. Kundalini yoga teaches you how to move energy. And by energy, I mean all that stuff that is going on in your mind and in your life - the stuff that's begging for your attention - it will move, transform, and heal through Kundalini yoga. You get connected to your inner voice, tap into your inner bliss, and let go of space and time! If you're local, join me at Soul of Yoga.

Advice: Trust divine timing and listen to your heart. If you feel drawn to Kundalini yoga, try it! It is trending right now in our culture and for good reason. Collectively we are seeking this technology. If not, find your 'Kundalini yoga' for the year - maybe that's ballet, horseback riding, skydiving, or art. Whatever it is, hunt it down and commit. And if it's not rocking your world, you haven't found it.

#3 Me, Myself, & I

What truly matters is you. I really mean that. Love yourself, put yourself first, take care of yourself, listen to yourself, stand up for yourself, choose for yourself. Most human beings are operating from an underdeveloped consciousness. And to no fault of their own. We live in a world where the systems and structures are way behind the times. We live in a culture that teaches you all the wrong things about yourself. You're so caught up in this cycle and so busy trying to survive it, that you don't know how to find yourself again. But you can, my dear. You have to, my dear! Can't you hear your soul calling you to do so?

After growing up in that exact scenario, I really truly returned to myself this year. And one of my purposes in life is definitely to help other women to do so - to rediscover how to live life naturally, to relearn how to nourish your soul, and to renew your passion for your dream life! Please join the ESouls Soul Power Facebook Community to connect with like minded souls and to get support on your personal journey! Or follow me on Instagram.

The truth is, if you are going to nourish your soul, you've got to do some deep, deep personal work. And you cannot do this alone. There are so many amazing healers and retreats in the world right now. Some of my favorite modalities are acupuncture, massage, energy healing, shamanic journeying, cranial sacral therapy, yoga, breath work, meditation, astrology, crystal healing, intuitive healing, holistic therapists, and art therapy. There are incredible online courses, like Daily Om and Hay House. I will finish a year long Master Healer Program at the end of January that has definitely had a major impact. This soul work is so important. Knowing who you are and living from a full cup allows you to bring your best self to everything you do.

Advice: You can get caught up in a lot of dogmas - from religion and politics to health and spirituality. True guidance should always steer you within. As you learn and practice how to inspire, comfort, and nourish yourself, over and over again, at some point you discover the guru is within. And life becomes a whole lot more magical than you ever could have imagined!