Soul Reflection

How is your 2017 wrapping up? Take some time to reflect. What were your victories? Challenges?

One of my victories was fitness and prioritizing my yoga and workouts into my day to day schedule. I've never enjoyed pushing myself physically like I did this year. Thank you Kundalini Yoga and Orange Theory Fitness! I learned that on the other side of the push is a reward, both in the satisfaction of accomplishment and the energy medicine in my body. When healthy, being in your body is effortless and the amount of time you spend thinking about how you look or judging yourself naturally dissipates. And as you commit to long term physical health goals, your ability to sustain fitness increases, so you also don't worry as much about time off here and there.

My biggest challenge has been and continues to be finding grace among the grit of single motherhood. There are the days when I know 100% for now and always how much I will admire myself for getting through this. And the days where I don't think it's possible, but do it anyway.

Challenges are how we grow and where we find strength. If we shy away from them, the experience can overtake our health, destroy our progress, and suffocate our joy. If we meet them, they can keep our nervous system strong, our mind flexible so we can adapt to the ever changing tides of our life, and our soul faithful.

I found this year that no matter what the challenges were, if I was nourishing myself at a soul level - by listening to and acting on what makes me feel good - then my foundation was strong and I was able to always find solace in my love and reverence for myself. The ability to completely embrace yourself like this is extremely valuable!

One of my favorite family tools for emotional support and soul connection are essential oils. Lately, blends of Family, Faith, & Fun are constantly diffusing or on my wrist as perfume. If you want to start your journey with oils, do reach out so I can introduce you to them!
